How To Invite A User To Register For An Event

Administrators Guide

If The Person You Are Trying To Register To The Event Has Logged Into Your EVE Site Before:

  1. Visit the Attendees tab of the event in the admin
  2. Click the “Add attendee” button
  3. Search and select the user
  4. Set the “Approval Status” to whatever is appropriate for the use case.
  5. Enable the “Send confirmation email to attendee” setting if you wish to the inform the attendee that they have been invited to the particular event and this will include the Approval Status.
  6. Click “Submit”

If The Person Has Not Logged In Before And Want To Invite Them To Register To The Event Using EVE:

Go to Users > Invite New Users to send an email from EVE. Multiple people can be invited at once. There is a default message that can be customized each time an invitation is made, future invitations will use with the default message unless customized.

Non-EVE Option

You can manually share the URL outside of EVE as you like.